June 21, 2024


Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy

DownloadPC4.com respects the rights of others when it comes to their creations. We follow the rules set out in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and aim to quickly deal with any reports of copyright infringement.

Reporting Copyright Violations

If you think someone has used your copyrighted work without permission on DownloadPC4.com, please give us this info:

  • Details about your copyrighted work, like what it is and where it’s on our site.
  • Info about the material that’s infringing on your copyright and where to find it.
  • Your contact details, including your name, address, phone number, and email.
  • A statement that you believe the use of the material isn’t allowed by the copyright owner or the law.
  • A statement that the info you’re giving is accurate, and you’re authorized to act for the copyright owner.
  • Your signature, either electronic or physical.

Send this to our copyright agent:

  • [Copyright Agent Name]
  • [Company Name]
  • [Address]
  • [City, State, ZIP Code]
  • [Email Address]
  • [Phone Number]

Thank you for helping us protect intellectual property rights.

Sending a Counter-Notification

If you think your material was taken down or disabled by mistake, you can send us a counter-notification. It needs to have:

  • Your signature, either electronic or physical.
  • Details about the material that was removed or disabled and where it was before.
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you believe the material was taken down or disabled because of a mistake.
  • Your name, address, and phone number. Plus, a statement saying you agree to the jurisdiction of the federal district court where you live, or if you’re outside the US, any court where the service provider is located. And that you’ll accept legal papers from the person who reported the infringement or their agent.

When we get a valid counter-notification, we’ll give a copy to the person who reported the infringement.

Please be aware:

It may take 1 to 5 business days for us to respond to your email. We’ll send you the outcome of our actions via email.

Usually, after we’ve removed a post or link, we’ll email you to let you know what we’ve done and what the result is. We’ll make a decision based on that.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our DMCA policy, please Contact us via our contact page.

Last Updated: [April, 2024]